Damien Legends

Marc Maury ‘55

Deciding to go to Pomona Catholic High School (before it was called Damien) was the best decision I ever made for many reasons.

The kids were friendly, I was well received, beautiful girls with great personalities, fell in love several times. I also made lifelong friends and some have been “Brothers” and Sisters and have been close throughout my life. Many are gone now, and many others I occasionally meet for lunch.

Several could be considered legends in their own right and have been very successful in their careers and as parents raising good productive families.

On top of meeting a wonderful group of people, I actually learned something from the group of dedicated Nun’s and teachers who put up with our shenanigans. They were tough, but at the same time fair and objective. PCHS and my classmates also provided me the opportunity to return to my religion and helped me develop a productive work ethic.

With this background I was able to help my dad and older brother start a successful electronics business ‘Maury Microwave’ in 1957 that has grown and prospered for 64 years and continues today in Ontario, CA.

I am grateful that both of my sons, Marc and Greg, also had the opportunity to graduate from Damien in 1979.

Here are some Words of Wisdom; Value your education at Damien and the people you meet, they will both be instrumental in your success going forward and you will make lifelong friendships!

And oh yeah, live by the 10 commandments, you can’t go wrong.